(Target Audience: Ages - 10 to 18)
Adults can still find value in the training, but the pace and style is geared toward the youth so it is easy to understand and follow.
Look over my shoulder as I give you the exact steps, software, and processes to release your music to streaming platforms, how to collect your royalties, and build your artist identity! There are two versions of this course:
Music Artist Fast Track (Essentials) FREE for HHF Members!! (Watch Lessons Below) *** You can scroll down the page to find the FREE lesson videos.
This course, developed and produced by Uzzeyel Khuelenne (HHF CTO) is designed to give new or aspiring artist key guidance to getting their music out to the world while avoiding common pitfalls. The essentials version takes you through the following:
- Artist Identity
- Artist Brand Developement
- Artist Transformation
- Making a Good Song (Record)
- Mixing The Record
- Mastering The Record
- Preparing For Release
- Releasing/Distributing Your Music
- Copyrights
- Royalty Splitting
- Collecting Your Royalties
Music Artist Fast Track (Advance) Coming Soon!
This course, developed and produced by Uzzeyel Khuelenne (HHF CTO) is designed for existing artist who want to monitize their music and learn the new ways of marketing in todays modern technology driven algorithms.
The focus of the advance course is to show music artist how to make all their efforts work together to make money from their music. This involves proper paperwork, registration for collection of royalties, creating content and integrating your music the correct way. Monitizing your YouTube releases and music videos, creating multiple sources of income off your music with simple but unique processes. If your ready to finally get exact instructions and guidance to monitize and get paid from your music, this is the course for you!!! (Coming Soon!!)
The advance version takes you through the following:
- Publishing administration
- Advanced Music Marketing (Meta (IG/FB) Ads, YouTube Ads, TV Ads
- How To Build A Social Audience
- The Strategy For Getting Paid From Your Music
- YouTube Channel Creation
- YouTube Monitization
- YouTube Content ID Royalties
- Artist Persona Integration
- Psychology Based Marketing,
- Building A Local Presence In Your City
- Audience Hacking methods
- How To Get Intermediate/Major Distribution
- Professional Networking
- You Get Access to the essentials version for free as a member! of HHF. Access It Below!!
**Note** This is an essentials course, it is enough to get you all the way to fhe finish line to release your music and protect your intellectual property. It is not the only way to do things but an easy way to get started. For more in depth guidance book a consultation with Zy Da Shadow (IG: @zydashadow) and follow him for when the "advanced" version of this course becomes available!) HHF!!! Now go learn how to get your music out there.
1. Welcome Video:
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Geologists investigate natural hazards like earthquakes and volcanoes. https://courses.retti.com.ng/groups/adeptus-mechanicus-codex-10th-e...
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The educational process helps overcome fear of challenges and change. https://courses.retti.com.ng/groups/financial-and-managerial-accoun...
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